I am sitting here at my desk in my living room and it is really coming home to me, as I look through all the photos, poems, stories and letters that you have sent, how lucky I am to have worked with you this year as well as throughout your time with us. You were my very first level 1 as a course lead and my very first level 4 as programme lead and it has been an enormous pleasure to have been alongside you over the past 4 years. None of us could have predicted how this year would turn out and sitting here reflecting back on the past few months it saddens me that we have not been together on campus where we can put the kettle on, open the biscuits and have a chat around my office table. However, I never doubted that we would keep going, supporting each other. The resilience you have all shown to keep going, submit coursework and dissertations, complete online exams all while staying safe and some of you separated from your loved ones is incredible. I have loved seeing your names pop up during my Zoom office hours and seeing your reactions to the Woodsie nonsense I posted on Facebook has kept me going. Seeing all your lovely faces in the images you have submitted makes me smile and, very importantly, makes me hopeful. We live in uncertain times but I know that the future is bright for each and every one of you. With you all going out into the world, things are looking up for us all. So, I leave you with these words of advice; keep looking forward, take time to pause every now and then to enjoy the view and never stop dancing.
Lang may yer lum reek!